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Rozdziały w monografiach
- Bojinović Fenko A., Slovenia: High interest in the complementarity of the Three Seas Initiative with EU regional development frameworks, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Boromisa A.M., Samardžija V., Croatia: In search for visibility and stronger support, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Brânda O.-E., The Three Seas Initiative – a new role for Romania?, [w:] Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century, M. Popa (ed.), Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century, Braşov: National Defense University ,,Carol I” Publishing House, 2018, s. 83-89.
- Dostál V., Czech Republic: A stalemate and promising circumstances, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Gębska M., Wybrane problemy badawcze zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa geopolitycznego, militarnego i ekonomiczno-gospodarczego państw regionu Trójmorza, [w:] A. Glen (ed.), Jednoczenie wiedzy w naukach o bezpieczeństwie, Siedlce: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwerstytetu Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego w Siedlcach 2020.
- Jarończyk K., Przybylski W., Poland: Regional leadership stunted by governance dilemmas, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Kim A. B., The Three Seas Initiative: A case for America’s economic statecraft imperative, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Kirpsza A., With Whom to Cooperate in Brussels? : The Effect of Coalition-Building with the Three Seas Initiative, Visegrad Group and Germany on Poland’s Success in EU Lawmaking, [w:] A. Mania, M. Grabowski, T. Pugacewicz (ed.), Global Politics in the 21st Century: Between Regional Cooperation and Conflict, Berlin: Peter Lang 2019, s. 205–233.
- Lewkowicz Ł., The Three Seas Initiative and Ukraine, [w:] Format rozvytku vidnosyn Ukrainy ta krayin Tsentral’noyi Yevropy u konteksti vplyvu hibrydnoyi viyny, vyborchykh protsesiv ta zabezpechennya prav natsional’nykh menshyn, Użhorod 2019, s. 232-236.
- Lieģis I., Latvia: Engagement in the Three Seas Initiative and prioritising geopolitics, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Mokrá L., Slovakia: Strengthening regional position and addressing new challenges, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Orzelska-Stączek A., Polska jako lider inicjatywy Trójmorza? Rola Polski we współpracy dwunastu państw, [w:] K. Sierzputowska., S. Sadowski, A. Kotowski, K. Garczewski (ed.), Wielowektorowość polskiej polityki bezpieczeństwa w XXI wieku. Wybrane aspekty, Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2021, s. 123-138.
- Orzelska-Stączek A., The Three Seas Initiative as an opportunity and a challenge for small states, DOI: 10.4324/978100, In book: Small states within the European Union. Challenges – dilemmas – strategies/ ed. Piotr Bajda Warszawa 2023.
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- Ploom I., Veebel V., Estonia: The increased focus on geopolitics after Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Ralchev P., Bulgaria: Sense, sensibility and wariness, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Rogozińska A., Dziewiątka Bukaresztańska i Idea Trójmorza jako inicjatywy wzmacniające bezpieczeństwo Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, [w:] M. Banasik (ed.), Polityka Federacji Rosyjskiej i jej konsekwencje dla bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego, Warszawa: Difin, 2019.
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- Sebe M., Romania: Transforming the Three Seas Initiative into a strategic opportunity. A short overview, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Skrzeszewska K., J. Kizielewicz, Diversification of the Level of Economic Development of the Three Seas Initiative’ Members, [w:] M. Cingula, M. Przygoda, K. Detelj, Economic and Social Development 23 rd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Varazdin: Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency et al., 2017, s. 138-145.
- Sprūds A., Vargulis M., Conclusions: Putting together the puzzle by mapping national perspectives, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Szczerski K., Utopia europejska: kryzys integracji i polska inicjatywa naprawy, Kraków: Biały Kruk, 2017, s. 187–207.
- Tchakarova V., Benko L., Austria: The bridge-building approach to the Three Seas Initiative — avenues for improvement, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Varvuolis G., Vitkus G., Lithuania: The search for synergies, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Wojcieszak Ł., Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne państw Trójmorza – wyzwania i perspektywy; [w:] L. Karczewski, H. Kretek (ed.), Biznes i zarządzanie a bezpieczeństwo w Polsce i na świecie, Opole: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Opolskiej, 2018, s. 131-140.
- Zeöld Z., Hungary: Giving the minimum, [w:] A. Sprūds, M. Vargulis (red.), Three Seas Initiative. Mapping National Perspectives, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Ryga, 2022.
- Zięba R., “Make Poland Great Again”: The Meanders of the Three Seas Initiative, [w:] Idem, Poland’s Foreign and Security Policy. Problems of Compatibility with the Changing International Order, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, s. 201-215.
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